Process efficiency and environmental impact
The chemical industry is one of the sectors with the strongest impact on the natural environment. This area represents a particular challenge for the Grupa Azoty Group as a whole, and also imposes special responsibility on us.
The chemical industry is one of the sectors with the strongest impact on the natural environment.
This area represents a particular challenge for the Grupa Azoty Group as a whole, and also imposes special responsibility on us. All our companies operate in compliance with the relevant environmental laws and regulations, and on the basis of appropriate permits. However, given the scale and scope of our activities as well as the potential we have, in our environmental protection efforts we want to go beyond what is strictly required by law. Every year, we spend millions on installations that reduce our negative impact on nature.
Grupa Azoty collaborates with Reliability Solutions, a company established by graduates of the AGH University of Science and Technology. Our joint effort led to a test implementation of a modern PdM class RSIMS system at the V KGZ unit. Using modern artificial intelligence algorithms (e.g. Deep Learning), the system analyses vast amounts of data (e.g. sensor data, maintenance data, environmental data) to identify any indicators of deteriorating technical condition of the monitored machinery. The system monitors in real time about 300 process parameters of a unit and detects complex multi-level interdependencies which may indicate an imminent failure. The algorithms can also be used to identify probable causes of failures, allowing us to find the optimum way to operate the installations.
By applying PdM (Predictive Maintenance) techniques we can not only improve technical safety, but also reduce the number of unplanned stoppages, improve availability and, consequently, production efficiency, which is of paramount importance, especially in the case of critical equipment.
See what investments have been made by our Group companies to increase environmental efficiency
Grupa Azoty Police
The premises of Grupa Azoty Police are home to approximately 180 bird species, including 90 breeding species. The sedimentation tanks, located in the area where the Oder river flows into the Oder Gulf of the Szczecin Lagoon and spanning as far as the network of channels that supply water from the Oder to the facilities located on the plant’s premises, are the main habitat for the birds.
Many breeding sites of both large and small birds are located on the premises of productions plants. Flat roofs of the buildings make nesting easier for common gulls or European herring gulls. Common house martins and Eurasian tree sparrows also build their nests there.
For several years, research was carried out on the company's premises, involving researchers, university students and high school seniors. The Ecoinspection Programme was set up at that time. As part of the Programme, birds inhabiting the company’s premises were watched and counted. In total, 28 ecoinspections were completed over the five years.
The production and use of nitrogen fertilizers results in greenhouse gas emissions, but with technological advancements and rational management of energy and other resources their volumes, and thus the carbon footprint, can be reduced. Examples of efforts aimed at limiting the carbon footprint of our products include the project ‘Support for Low-Carbon Agriculture Capable of Adapting to Climate Change Now and Within the 2030 and 2050 Timeframes (LCAgri)’, co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development. Its purpose is to improve efficiency of resource utilisation by implementing innovative low-carbon agricultural solutions and promoting sustainable application of mineral fertilizers by Polish farmers.
The project is carried out by a consortium of Grupa Azoty Puławy, the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, the Institute of Agrophysics at the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Environmental Protection Institute.
Grupa Azoty Puławy monitors the volumes of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter emissions. The emissions are monitored on a 24/7 basis at three measurement sites, whose location allows the company to assess the impact of pollutants generated during everyday operation of its units.
Our investment projects in 2018:
- The 20F-125 absorption system was upgraded to reduce atmospheric ammonia emissions and cut down ammonia consumption in the urea production process. Before the project’s implementation, ammonia emissions into the air amounted to 30.508 kg/h and after its completion their volume went down to 7.599 kg/h.
- More than PLN 250m was spent on the exhaust gas treatment unit at the EC II CHP plant. As part of the project, boilers were upgraded, a deNOx system was placed in operation, and a sulfur dioxide flue gas treatment unit was launched in May 2018. The new unit (ammonia-based method) enables achieving compliance with the current SO2 emission parameters (<200 mg/m3) required by the IED Directive.
- The post-calcination gas distribution system was upgraded by building a post-calcination gas recirculation system. It returns hot post-calcination gases to the calcining furnace as secondary air, which reduces the amount of fuel consumed by the calcining furnace burner, as well as the amount of post-calcination gases leaving the calcination unit.
Grupa Azoty Puławy
‘Tree for a Bottle’ is the company’s most popular project, initiated under the ‘Responsible Care’ programme and continued for 15 years now. The campaign combines environmental education with social activity and care for the natural environment and for people’s neighbourhoods. It is addressed to primary school and preschool children, who play in groups trying to collect as many empty plastic bottles as possible. The bottles are recycled, and trees received in return for the bottles are planted on the premises of the participating schools as reminders of the campaign. The best participating groups receive financial and non-financial prizes. The project partners include The Municipal Services Company of Puławy and the Puławy County Governor Office. In 2018, 2,225 students from 31 educational institutions in the Puławy County took part in the action. 1,032,043 PET bottles were collected and 541 trees were planted.
Since the beginning of the campaign in 2003, children from the Puławy County have collected over 7.7m bottles (approximately 300 tonnes) and planted 4,420 trees.
Our investment projects and initiatives:
- Liquid fertilizers sold to customers are loaded to rail and road tankers. They do not require disposable packaging, which reduces the quantity of materials used (plastic film, bags, pallets) and the potential amount of waste.
- The wastewater collection and recirculation system at urea unit I helped reduce the amount of wastewater.
- The upgrade of the biological wastewater treatment and neutralisation plant has significantly improved the monitoring of parameters of biological wastewater treatment at the on-site treatment plant.
- The circulation water network in the ammonia department was upgraded.
- A new system for drainage of the decarbonisation sludge will enable recirculation of the drained water into the decarbonisation plant to reduce the consumption of water abstracted from the Kurówka river.
In 2018, sanctions were imposed on Grupa Azoty Puławy for incidental exceedance of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emission limits. The limits were exceeded due to the stoppage of the flue gas desulfurisation unit caused by work on the first phase of its upgrade. By way of a decision dated March 28th 2019, a penalty of PLN 4,852,103 was imposed on the company. As the company is implementing projects that are to remove the cause of the penalty, at the company’s request the penalty payment deadline was postponed until 2021 by decisions of June 11th 2019.
In 2018, no administrative financial penalties were imposed on Grupa Azoty Police, Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn or Grupa Azoty for non-compliance with environmental protection laws.
In 2018, Grupa Azoty Puławy received a PLN 52.5m low-interest loan from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for upgrading the steam generator at its CHP plant. The project will help reduce annual NOx emissions by 287 tonnes. Its total cost is PLN 84.1m.
Grupa Azoty
Grupa Azoty constantly monitors air quality at five sites in Tarnów. The locations of the measurement sites were selected to span the wide area that may be affected by particulate matter and gas emissions from the plant.
Our investment projects:
- In 2018, work related to the launch of a new treatment plant for flue gas from the EC II CHP plant was nearing completion. The project, worth about PLN 90m, will have a positive effect on air quality in Tarnów and the Tarnów region. Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in exhaust gases will be reduced to less than 200 mg/Nm3, and particulate matter concentrations will drop to less than 20 mg/Nm3. Flue gas denitrification will be a two-stage process: the first stage will involve optimisation of the combustion process, and the second stage will consist in reducing nitric oxides content in flue gases using the NOx selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology. The company has opted for the wet magnesium scrubbing method in the desulfurisation process because it produces magnesium sulfate, which is a valuable fertilizer. The project is co-financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009–2014.
- In 2018, a project designed to enable collection of slag from the EC II CHP plant boilers was completed at Grupa Azoty. The slag may now be used to manufacture building materials, helping to reduce the amount of stored furnace waste.
- Projects were completed to reduce consumption of energy carriers in production processes and ensuring more efficient use of available resources, including ‘Heat Recovery from the Beckmann Rearrangement Process – Phase 2’ and ‘Reduction of Steam Consumption in the Caprolactam Production Process’.
- A sanitary wastewater treatment system was constructed at the Dobrów chemical production plant.
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn
Our investment projects:
2018 saw the implementation of a number of environmentally friendly investment projects at Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn. Key such projects included:
- Construction of a unit to produce esters for special applications,
- Reduction of excessive application of fertilizers through the Product Stewardship programme,
- Upgrade of the central mechanical and biological wastewater treatment plant at Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn,
- Technical start-up of the new ester production unit. The project involved the construction of more than 100 equipment items, including a 16-tonne, 3.5 meter-wide R-222 reactor.
The activities conducted by the Grupa Azoty Group inherently involve consumption of natural resources, both for the purpose of generating energy for the organisation’s internal needs and for the core business purposes, that is production of fertilizers and chemical products.
Materials used by weight or volume
At Grupa Azoty, the main source of heat and electricity for the production units is a coal-fired EC II CHP plant, which is planned to be gradually modernised. The scale and scope of any upgrade work will be adapted to the changing legal framework, including in particular regulations on environmental impacts, as well as changes in demand for energy carriers from the production units.
The plants of Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn use energy carried by process steam with a pressure of 7 MPa, 1.5 MPa and 0.6 MPa, generated in six fine coal-fired boilers. Part of the energy is generated in four turbine generator sets, while the balance is purchased from external sources.
The energy requirements of Grupa Azoty Police are partly satisfied with internal production: electricity from power generators at two CHP plants, and steam generated at the EC II CHP plant and in sulfur boilers at the sulfuric acid division. Energy is also purchased from external sources. The company’s fuel consumption reduction policy is based on an ISO 50001-compliant energy management system implemented in 2013.
Grupa Azoty Puławy consumes approximately 1.28 TWh of electricity and 14.1 PJ of heat per year. The company has its own CHP plant, which covers 100% of its heat needs and 46% of its electricity needs. The CHP plant is hard coal-fired. It generates the process utilities for the company’s production units, including process steam, electricity, demineralised water, decarbonised water, process heat and heat for heating purposes, which is also supplied to the town of Puławy.
A new CHP plant is planned to be built at Puławy. It is expected to produce lower emissions of carbon dioxide, while NOx emissions will be reduced by the use of a flue gas desulfurisation system. The entire energy generation system is to be better aligned with the company’s actual needs. It is anticipated that the project, with a budget of PLN 99m, will raise the efficiency of electricity and heat cogeneration through replacement of the 30 MWe TG-2 pass-out and condensing turbine with a new 37 MWe turbine as part of the power system upgrade. In addition, steam boiler no. 2 at the company’s CHP plant is to be modernised in order to reduce NOx emissions In 2018, Grupa Azoty Puławy received a PLN 52.5m low-interest loan from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for its upgrade. The project’s total cost is PLN 84.1m. Once modernised, this boiler and boilers no. 4 and no. 5 will be the principal generating units for the company’s CHP plant.
Energy consumption within the organisation, including information on the type of raw materials used
Fuels used to generate electricity by category of energy carrier (GJ)
Category of energy carrier | Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | ||||
2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
Steam heat* | 1 322 900 | 0 | 443 996 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Natural gas | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 700 | 3 567 | 0 | 1925 |
MEAK | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 74 521 | 94 112 | 0 | 22 347 |
Mazut | 0 | 1 836 | 0 | 3 758 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 347 |
Fine coal and thermal coal | 1 321 524 | 1 343 509 | 1 470 495 | 1 675 403 | 2 041 315 | 2 794 558 | 4 101 007 | 5 926 613 |
Fuel oil | 1 556 | 515 | 2 643 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 1510 | 0 |
Total | 2 645 980 | 1 345 860 | 1 917 134 | 1 679 161 | 2 117 536 | 2 892 237 | 4 121 158 | 5 973 232 |
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | |||||
2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
Electricity, heat, cooling and steam purchased for consumption (GJ) | 1 032 142 | 1 055 273 | 1 552 182 | 2 055 653 | 4 325 221 | 4 178 498 | 596 869 1 | 400 462 |
Electricity, heat, cooling and steam generated by the organisation (GJ) | 6 892 410 | 7 038 550 | 9 483 949 | 8 858 582 | 17 120 249 | 17 111 710 | 3 030 675 | 3 064 519 |
Electricity, heat, cooling and steam sold by the organisation (GJ) | 554 271 | 490 430 | 468 786 | 872 129 | 1 384 653 | 1 456 821 | 303 274 | 284 314 |
Total energy consumption within the organisation (GJ) | 7 370 281 | 7 603 393 | 10 567 344 | 10 042 106 | 20 060 817 | 19 833 387 | 3 324 270 | 3 180 667 |
up by approx. 3% on 2017 | down by approx. 5% on 2017 | down by approx. 1% on 2017 | down by approx. 4% on 2017 |
1 The volume of electricity purchases increased in 2017 as boiler no. 5 with the flue gas desulfurization unit was put in operation later than originally planned.
All Group companies take various measures to reduce their energy consumption.
Total savings from reduced energy consumption and improved energy efficiency (GJ)
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | |
Total savings from reduced energy consumption and improved energy efficiency (GJ) | 0 2 | 143 665 | 280 000 | 123 100 |
2 In 2018, projects contributing to significant energy savings were started but remained not completed. The energy savings were generated by projects completed in previous periods.
In 2018, we achieved savings through:
- Heat recovery from the Beckmann rearrangement process – Phase 2 – (Grupa Azoty – reduction of the costs of cooling circuits operation by using composite coatings in circulation pumps),
- Replacement of transformers in Młynownia and Pompownia T transformer stations (Grupa Azoty),
- Upgrade of the unit for CO2 absorption in potassium carbonate solutions – line IV, V and I of the gas pre-treatment system at ammonia department I (Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn) and combustion of gases from hydrogenation of benzene in cyclohexanol dehydrogenation furnaces (Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn),
- Replacement of circulation water pumps (Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn),
- Regular overhauls of coal mills (Grupa Azoty Police) and replacement of lighting columns, luminaires and clocks controlling their work (Grupa Azoty Police).
Energy intensity ratio (EIR)
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | |||||
Year | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 |
Total | 39.3 | 40.7 | 27.8 | 25.8 | 42.0 | 49.5 | 44.4 | 45.4 |
Relative to 2017 | up by 3.5% | down by 6.9% | up by 17.9% | up by 2.1% |
Water is used by our plants primarily for production purposes. Throughout the Group, we seek to reduce its consumption as far as practicable, and where possible we implement water recycling solutions.
Grupa Azoty draws water from two sources: from the Dunajec river (surface water) and from Quaternary formations (underground water). Water is used primarily for cooling purposes and in technological processes, for drinking, as a raw material for production of special waters, and for fire protection purposes.
In recent years, Grupa Azoty has completed a number of investment projects supporting more efficient use of water and improving the safety of water and sewerage systems. We have closed down unprofitable units, modernised production and adapted it to the raised environmental standards and requirements. All these measures translated into a significant reduction in the amounts of wastewater produced.
Grupa Azoty recycles water so that it can be recovered and reused. The company supplies drinking water to third parties, both businesses and households. The drinking water treatment station has a HACCP system in place, under which the drinking water production process is monitored along the entire chain, from water intake, through treatment, to distribution.
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn draws water from groundwater sources. The company has in place a system for recirculation of treated wastewater and stormwater, which is then used to produce industrial water.
Grupa Azoty Puławy draws water from the Vistula and Kurówka rivers. Grupa Azoty Police uses sea water and surface water from the Oder and Gunica rivers. The water is used for industrial purposes, as a cooling agent, and for fire-fighting applications. In 2018, the amount of water abstracted from the Gunica was 729,000 m3 higher than in 2017. The volume of inland water drawn depends on the salinity of water in the Oder river (internal sea waters). Water abstraction from the Oder fell by 18,663,200 m3.
Water withdrawal by source (m3)
Water source | Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | ||||
2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
Municipal water supplied by third parties | 0.00 | 1 572 800.00 | 268 370,00 | 322 593.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Groundwater | 1 673 700.00 | 2 473 500.00 | 10.00 | 6.00 | 4 988 978.00 | 4 749 931.00 | 923 000.00 | 622 411.00 |
Other | 1 839 600.00 3 | 0.00 | 0,00 | 148 664 295.00 4 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Surface water | 4 134 331.00 | 4 135 391,00 | 167 961 447,00 | 1 362 890.00 | 88 286 936,00 | 81 932 935,00 | 11 880 000.00 | 12 300 779.00 |
Total | 7 647 631.00 | 8 181 691.00 | 168 229 827.00 | 150 349 784.00 | 93 275 914.00 | 86 682 867.00 | 12 803 000.00 | 12 923 190.00 |
3 Water from Kopalnia Piasku Kotlarnia S.A.
4 Internal sea waters
The activities of any chemical company in the world involve environmental emissions. At the Grupa Azoty Group, we follow the latest emission reduction technologies developed globally. We implement such solutions at our plants, consistently lowering our emission ratios.
At Grupa Azoty, in 2018 nitrous oxide emissions from the technical-grade nitric acid unit amounted to 401 Mg N2O, and the efficiency ratio was 1.47 (benchmark efficiency ratio: 1). In 2017, nitrous oxide emissions were 359 Mg N2O, and the efficiency ratio was 1.05 (benchmark efficiency ratio: 1).
In 2018, Grupa Azoty Puławy recorded an N2O emission ratio of 0.76 kg N2O/t HNO3, while in 2017 the ratio was 0.64 kg N2O/t HNO3. The ratios were significantly lower than the BAT recommendations for existing medium pressure units (1.85 kg N2O/t HNO3) and close to the benchmark ratio (about 1 kg N2O/t HNO3) used to calculate free allocation of emission allowances under the ETS.
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn operates modern nitric acid production units which meet BAT requirements and emit N2O volumes at benchmark level (2016). In 2018, the company emitted 392 Mg N2O and the emission ratio was 0.76 kg N2O/t HNO3. In 2017, the figures were 374 Mg N2O and 0.76 kg N2O/t HNO3, respectively.
Grupa Azoty Police emits only negligible amounts of N2O.
Nitrogen oxide is much more toxic than carbon dioxide. For several years, Grupa Azoty Police and Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn have been producing a water solution of urea, which is injected before the catalyst in the exhaust system in engines. Thanks to the reactions provoked by the substance, the engine emits nitrogen and water vapour, which are neutral to the environment. In the case of heavy vehicles running on diesel, the product – sold in Poland under the brand name NOXy® – is the only effective means allowing a vehicle to meet European emission standards.
Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and volume expressed as CO2 equivalent, by GHG category (t)
Greenhouse gas category | 2017 | 2018 | |
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Carbon dioxide | 1 172 569.00 | 1 163 313.00 |
Nitrous oxide | 111 608.00 | 116 857.00 | |
Grupa Azoty Police | Carbon dioxide | 1 653 948.00 | 1 450 644.00 |
Nitrous oxide | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
Grupa Azoty Puławy | Carbon dioxide | 3 273 991.00 | 3 313 366.00 |
Nitrous oxide | 171 882.00 | 197 858.00 | |
Grupa Azoty | Carbon dioxide | 1 053 743.00 | 971 748.00 |
Nitrous oxide | 106 884.00 | 119 626.00 |
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity CO2 emissions volume (t)
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | |||||
2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
CO2 emissions intensity ratio [t CO2/t NH3] | 1.57 | 1.59 | 1.82 | 1.82 | 1.67 | 1.68 | 1.52 | 1.87 |
N2O emissions intensity ratio [kg N2O/t HNO3] | 0.76 | 0.76 | Nd | Nd | 0.64 | 0.76 | 1.05 | 1.47 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Mg CO2e)
2017 | 2018 | |
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | 58 110,00 | 81 773 |
Grupa Azoty Police | 26 300,000,00 | 2 500 |
Grupa Azoty Puławy | 0,00 | 0 |
Grupa Azoty | 11 535.00 | 52 354 1 |
Total | 95 945.00 | 136 627 |
1 Base year: 2012 (preceding catalyst replacement).
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions, by type of substance (Mg)
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | |||||
2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
Ammonia (NH3) | 352.00 | 242.00 | 428.42 | 450.00 | 1 132.92 | 1 035.00 | 151.00 | 187.00 |
Benzo-alpha-pyrene (C2OH12) | 0.0025 | 0.0025 | 0.0001 | 0.0001 | 0.0100 | 0.0048 | 0.0030 | 0.00 |
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) | 1 272.00 | 1 051.00 | 2 795.33 | 1 894.00 | 942.56 | 1 678.00 | 1 632.00 | 836.00 |
Carbon dioxide (SO2) | 1 007 830.00 | 965 554.00 | 1 438 908.23 | 1 169 727.00 | 1 718 853.23 | 1 799 379.00 | 1 086 947.00 | 1 007 431.00 |
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) | 0.00 | 0.0001 | 53.59 | 65.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 46.00 | 106.00 |
Organic acids | 0.30 | 0.163 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) | 34.00 | 39.00 | 4.56 | 4.39 | 37.60 | 44.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Methane (CH4) | 119.00 | 165.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 11.25 | 11.00 | 30.00 | 8.00 |
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) | 890.00 | 4 853.00 | 1 090.53 | 837.00 | 2 420.22 | 2 036.00 | 5 389.00 | 0.00 |
NO2 | 837.00 | 748.00 | 2 035.00 | 4 853.00 | ||||
Nitrous oxide (N2O) | 374.00 | 392.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 620.28 | 710.00 | 499.00 | 539.00 |
Melamine dust | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 11.13 | 11.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Urea dust | 35.00 | 20.00 | 117.75 | 104.00 | 28.92 | 29.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ammonium nitrate dust | 76.00 | 88.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 387.58 | 391.00 | 172.00 | 0.00 |
Ammonium sulfate dust | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.75 | 0.00 | 198.23 | 7.47 | 0.00 | 1.96 |
Particulate matter | 101.00 | 110.00 | 0.00 | 109.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 181.00 | 0.00 |
Particulate matter from fuel combustion | 54.00 | 23.00 | 83,85 | 55.00 | 111.99 | 109.00 | 61.00 | 32.00 |
Carbon monoxide (CO) | 304.00 | 63.00 | 118.74 | 281.00 | 133.63 | 167.00 | 82.00 | 117.00 |
Aliphatic hydrocarbons | 14.0000 | 0.00 | 0.0200 | 17.24 | 10.6100 | 15.25 | 0.0000 | 0.018 |
Fluorine compounds | 25.00 | 0.00 | 4.41 | 23.58 | 13.75 | 12.78 | 0.00 | 4.42 |
Other | 399.00 | 398.00 2 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 88.070 | 73.00 3 | 2.00 | 1.00 |
2 Metals from fuel combustion, chlorine (as HCl), other dust (absorbent, coal, dolomite), dioctyl terephthalate dust.
3 Including sulfur trioxide, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, aromatic hydrocarbons , hydrated lime dust, fertilizer dust, chlorine, mercury, nickel, chromium, lead, zinc, copper.
Grupa Azoty’s operations generate three types of wastewater – process wastewater, sanitary sewage, and spent cooling water and stormwater. Depending on the type, the wastewater is transported using the industrial wastewater system for treatment at the central wastewater treatment plant or the biological wastewater treatment plant.
- Industrial wastewater and sanitary sewage undergo mechanical and chemical treatment at the central wastewater treatment plant, and the treated water is then discharged into the Biała Tarnowska river.
- Industrial wastewater containing biodegradable substances is directed via drains and trestle-supported sewer lines for treatment at the biological wastewater treatment plant; from there, it is streamed for additional treatment to the wastewater treatment facility operated by the Tarnów Water and Sewage Utility.
- Stormwater and spent cooling water from Grupa Azoty’s premises are transported by means of separate collectors via the retention pond, and then discharged through the Sutro weir into the Dunajec river. If a failure occurs and the wastewater contaminates the EF drain, the drain may be cut off completely and all of the wastewater may be pumped to the central wastewater treatment plant. It is also possible to direct the entire volume of wastewater generated by Grupa Azoty to the wastewater treatment facility operated by the Tarnów Water and Sewage Utility.
Wastewater by discharge point (m3)
Wastewater discharge point | 2017 | 2018 | |
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Rivers (Oder river) | 5 563 175,00 | 4 756 343.00 |
Grupa Azoty Police | Rivers (Oder river) | 34 462 323,00 | 32 242 661.00 |
Grupa Azoty Puławy | Rivers (Vistula river) | 83 772 426.00 | 78 073 173.00 |
Grupa Azoty | Municipal wastewater treatment facilities | 1 422 000,00 | 1 425 000.00 |
Rivers (Biała, Dunajec) | 4 208 000,00 | 3 641 000.00 | |
Total | 129 427 924.00 | 120 138 177.00 |
Wastewater by treatment method (m3)
Wastewater treatment method | 2017 | 2018 | |
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Biological treatment | 2 402 297.00 | 3 020 880 |
Central wastewater treatment plant (mechanical and chemical treatment) | 2 402 297,00 | 3 020 880 | |
Piskorzowiec | 5 563 175.00 | 4 756 343 | |
Grupa Azoty Police | Central wastewater treatment plant (mechanical and chemical treatment) | 34 462 323.00 | 32 242 661 |
Grupa Azoty Puławy | Biological industrial wastewater treatment plant | 1 728 030.00 | 1 746 210 |
Central wastewater treatment plant (mechanical and chemical treatment) | 1 770 145.00 | 1 306 881 | |
Dawidagi | 254 040.00 | 254 040 | |
Blackwater industrial wastewater treatment plant (biological treatment) | 136 680.00 | 116 340 | |
Biological treatment (3rd degree) | 83 772 426.00 | 78 073 173 | |
Grupa Azoty | Biological industrial wastewater treatment plant | 1 422 000.00 | 1 425 000 |
Central wastewater treatment plant (mechanical and chemical treatment) | 3 790 525.00 | 3 641 000 | |
Suma | 124 847 065 |
Most of the waste is recycled by the Group companies internally or by external service providers. We follow closed-loop economy trends, analyse the life cycles of our products, and investigate what further steps can potentially be taken in this area.
Waste by disposal method (Mg)
Disposal method | Year | Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty |
Storage | 2018 | 12 | 272 | 1 571 | 0 |
2017 | 16 985 | 1 205 | 265 | 0 | |
Recovery by external service provider | 2018 | 116 417 | 120 304 | 82 129 | 39 100 |
2017 | 115 287 | 152 678 | 81 597 | 49 682 | |
On-site recovery | 2018 | 0 | 360 205 | 16 | 109 |
2017 | 0 | 419 988 | 25 | 140 | |
Transfer to third-party service providers | 2018 | 116 741 | 120 450 | 82 108 | 60 801 |
2017 | 115 471 | 152 936 | 81 610 | 62 477 | |
Storage | 2018 | 0 | 1 850 743 | 15 808 | 21 500 |
2017 | 0 | 2 197 467 | 17 501 | 0 | |
Neutralisation other than through storage by a third-party service provider | 2018 | 154 | 87 | 97 | 17 600 |
2017 | 0 | 257 | 13 | 464 | |
Neutralisation other than through on-site storage | 2018 | 0 | 1 847 193 | 0,03 | 0 |
2017 | 0 | 1 357 811 | 0.05 | 0 | |
Total | 2018 | 233 324 | 4 299 254 | 181 728 | 139 110 |
2017 | 247 743 | 4 282 342 | 181 011 | 112 763 |
Percentage of reclaimed products and their packaging materials (by type of material)
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn | Grupa Azoty Police | Grupa Azoty Puławy | Grupa Azoty | |||||
2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
Wood | 16.00 | 16.00 | 16.00 | 16.00 | 16.00 | 16.00 | 16.00 | 24.02 |
Paper and cardboard | 61.14 | 61.10 | 61.10 | 60.97 | 61.01 | 60.99 | 61.01 | 69.41 |
Packaging that held hazardous substances | 30.00 | 38.89 | 30.09 | 40.09 | 29.93 | 106.09 | ||
Steel and sheet steel | 51.01 | 51.00 | 51.00 | 51.61 | 51.02 | 51.02 | 51.11 | 123.69 |
Plastics | 23.50 | 23.50 | 23.5 | 23.50 | 23.50 | 23.5 | 23.49 | 25.02 |
Multi-material packaging | 20.00 | 53.62 |
Because of the scale of their operations and the size of their plants, some of the Group entities are located adjacent to protected areas, or have such areas under their management. We want to minimise the effect of our activities on the neighbouring wildlife areas. Over the years, we have demonstrated our ability to conduct industrial operations in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner.
Grupa Azoty leases an area of 4.56 ha covered entirely with flowing waters, which is required for the industrial infrastructure of a weir on the Dunajec river. The lessor is the Regional Water Management Authority of Kraków. The operations conducted in this area, which includes surface and underground water intake facilities as well as reservoirs feeding water to an underground municipal water intake point, pose no threat to biodiversity. Abstraction of water is subject to relevant permits which set the maximum quantities of water that may be drawn.
Grupa Azoty Police owns or holds perpetual usufruct rights to land adjacent to nature reserves (Białokrzew Kopicki, Olszanka, Uroczysko Święta, Świdwie) and Natura 2000 sites (Police Kanały, Zalew Szczeciński, Ostoja Wkrzańska, Ujście Odry and Zalew Szczeciński). In 2018, the company’s emissions to air and water did not have a significant impact on the biodiversity of those reserves and sites.
There are also two active landfills on the company’s premises: the iron sulfate landfill and the phosphogypsum landfill. The company has implemented and observes a strict process regime that minimises the landfills’ impact on the environment. Since 1994, efforts have been made to introduce high growing vegetation at the landfill site. The landfill site is covered with trees, mainly aspen, acacia, hybrid willow, birch, populus, sambucus and pine trees. For a number of years, it has been a habitat for animals, such as beech martens, otters, stoats, foxes, roe deer, boars and about 100 species of birds.
Based on field observations, ornithologists from the University of Szczecin found the area adjacent to the landfill site (storage reservoirs of the wastewater treatment plant) to be comparable with the Świdwie reserve in terms of the number and diversity of bird species.
Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn and Grupa Azoty Puławy are not located in or adjacent to any areas created or established under the Nature Conservation Act of April 16th 2004.
Of the four largest companies of the Grupa Azoty Group, Grupa Azoty Police is the only one whose operations could have a potential impact on biodiversity, due to its emissions. Grupa Azoty Police conducts its operations on the basis of legal permits and with due regard to established emission standards. to established emission standards. In 2018, there were no incidents that could have a significant impact on biodiversity.